Thin Arbour Pergola with Screening

This painted white pergola is set at the back of the residence to provide further depth and added green space once the Pergola has had a flowering vine added.
1.2 x 2.9 m

Thin White Pine Arbour Pergola

With Splayed Profile Screening

This residence has three new White Arbour Pergolas which have added a few asthetic elements to the house which had a very stark appearance.  This thin Arbour Pergola has been set at the back of the house to provide a new sitting area.

This Pergola has a Splayed profile horizontal screening and once it’s covered in some flowering vines it will add depth to compliment the residence. When the flowering vines have been added to each of the Pergolas it will add a lot of greenery and soften the ambiance.

Click on the buttons below to view the 2 other Arbour Pergolas at this residence in Wellington Point. 

image-before image-after