Arbour Pergola with X Screening

This painted white Pergola has X screening across the back and sides that compliment the design accents of the house.
1.5 x 3.6 m

White Pine Arbour Pergola

With OGEE Profile and X Side and Back Screening

This residence has three new White Arbour Pergolas which have added a few asthetic elements to the house which had a very stark appearance.  This thin Arbour Pergola has been set into the turning circle at the front of the residence.  This Pergola has a decorative OGEE profile and hand-crafted X screening has been added to compliment the X aspect features in the residence.

The X Screening has been specially hand-crafted with no visible fixings for a precise and elegant finish.  When the flowering vines have been added to each of the Pergolas it will add a lot of greenery and soften the ambiance.  

Click on the buttons below to view the 2 other Arbour Pergolas at this residence in Wellington Point. 

image-before image-after